Jumpstart your journey of transformation!

Maitri ShaktiPravaah will work by clearing deep-rooted blockages and awakening your Inner Divine. The process will help you experience your true nature, thus marking the beginning of the journey to self-discovery, transformation, and growth.

Thank you for taking 30 minutes out for your growth. This is a step toward experiencing the limitless Love present within you. Before you register yourself, to clear any doubts you have about Maitri ShaktiPravaah, please visit the About page!

Maitri Shaktipraavah

Find a Centre in Your City

a) Type the name of your city to find centers closest to you.
b) You can visit any center on the date and time mentioned along with that center.
c) Please contact the center host for additional details of reaching the venue.
d) Please call +91 8929707222 to know more about the session.
